
2018年10月10日—WhenIusemyLGX-SAwithmyRolandGR-55somepatchesare*perfect*(likeOboe),butsome(likethemoodysax)aretoosensitive:ifIeven ...,2011年10月4日—Hello,it'safairlysimplemodificationtousetheRolandGR-55asamulti/standardwithanyguitarpedal,iewithouthavingtouseaGKtype ...,2022年6月9日—GR-55:HowtoEditTonesandNormalPickupOn/OffEDITTONEPAGEhasthefouravailablesoundsthatcanbeallsimultaneouslyactiveor....


2018年10月10日 — When I use my LGX-SA with my Roland GR-55 some patches are *perfect* (like Oboe), but some (like the moody sax) are too sensitive: if I even ...


2011年10月4日 — Hello, it's a fairly simple modification to use the Roland GR-55 as a multi / standard with any guitar pedal, ie without having to use a GK type ...


2022年6月9日 — GR-55: How to Edit Tones and Normal Pickup On/Off EDIT TONE PAGE has the four available sounds that can be all simultaneously active or...


2022年3月8日 — To setup Program Change messages: 1. Press Edit. 2. Press the Page Right button until you get to the System Tab. 3. On the Rotary Wheel, tap the ...

Roland GR55 guitar synth, now modified

The Roland blurb shows that the 'guitar out' jack is after input (obviously!), guitar and amp models and guitar fx, so in theory you can use the GR55 as a floor ...

Set Up S1 and S2 Buttons To Go Up and Down Patches

2023年6月4日 — On GK-3 pickups and the Roland Ready Strat (GC-1), the S1 and S2 buttons are set up at the Factory to go up or down a GR-55's Banks.

更新&驅動程式 - GR

* Between before and after updating, some patches change to the different by the same program change message received from an external MIDI equipment. Please ...